



static getNodeText(node) → {string}

Retrieve text within node.
Take node.textContent for common cases (so including all children), or node.value for INPUT.
Remove HTML comments, trim the result and replace tabs & line feeds & carriage returns by spaces.

Name Type Description
node object

DOM node

Text of node


static getSelectorNode(selector, parentNodeopt) → {object}

Retrieve the first node corresponding to given selector.

Name Type Attributes Description
selector string

Nodes selector (id or @id or tagName:class[index] or jsnodes:code or css:selector or jquery:selector or [child index]) that can be chained (parent/child/grandchild...).

parentNode object <optional>

parent node, document if not specified. Ignored when selector is an id.

First selected node (parent node if selector is empty)


static getSelectorNodes(selector, parentNodeopt, firstOnlyopt, leafFilteropt) → {Array.<object>}

Provide an array of nodes corresponding to given selector.

Name Type Attributes Description
selector string

Nodes selector (id or @id or tagName:class[index] or jsnodes:code or css:selector or jquery:selector or [child index]) that can be chained (parent/child/grandchild...).

parentNode object <optional>

parent node, document if not specified. Ignored when selector is an id.

firstOnly boolean <optional>

Limit the search to first node found (performance improvement)

leafFilter string <optional>

css Selector to filter the leaf (performance improvement). Not use when [index] specified.

List of selected nodes (parent node if selector is empty)


static getSelectorParentNode(selector, node) → {object}

Retrieve the first node in parent tree corresponding to given selector

Name Type Description
selector string

Nodes selector (id or @id or tagName:class[index] or jsnodes:code or css:selector or jquery:selector or [child index]) that can be chained (parent/child/grandchild...).

node object

Current node

First parent node matching selector


static getSelectorText(selector, parentNodeopt, evtopt) → {string}

Retrieve text of the first node corresponding to given selector

Name Type Attributes Description
selector string

Nodes selector (id or @id or tagName:class[index] or jsnodes:code or css:selector or jquery:selector or [child index]) that can be chained (parent/child/grandchild...).

parentNode object <optional>

parent node, document if not specified. Ignored when selector is an id.

evt object <optional>

Current event (forwarded to jsfunc:).

Text of first selected node (or parent node text when selector is empty))


static gnt()

Shortcut for stat_dom.getNodeText

static gsn()

Shortcut for stat_dom.getSelectorNode

static gsns()

Shortcut for stat_dom.getSelectorNodes

static gst()

Shortcut for stat_dom.getSelectorText

static inc()

Shortcut for stat_dom.isNodeClass

static isNodeClass(node, cn) → {boolean}

Check if a node contains a given class. Call node.classList.contains when available, scan className otherwise.

Name Type Description
node object

DOM node

cn string

class name expected

true if class is in the class list of the node
